Sunday, August 3, 2008 ♥
we're gg to be counted as a minus one instead of plus one WEF 11th aug.
the news came as shockingly as i eva expected.
wow wow wow..! time flies man.
well, for one, i knew tat we cant always be under supervision foreva, under the wings of seniors..
ppl jus nid to grow up. and the only to grow up nad mature is to let us be independent..
haa. jus crossin my fingers tat i'll fight it well, with better time management and doin things accordin to priorities..
we can do it, cant we??
aja aja aja..! fighting..!
glad tat i hab a grp of frens who r wellin to listen to my sorrows and dilemma wheneva i feelin low. it really makes vast difference.
well, for one, its the greatest thing tat can happen on earth..
fren's support..
thank guys..!
to nisa and ana..
hope to see you guys comin thurs..!
chat till mouth dry..!
listened to the sweet sound @ 7:29 PM